ahem....so even though this post is in Flowy's name...this is actually Celeste...i just can't seem to remember my User name or password..so i hacked onto flowy's, hehe..anyhooo, the reason i'm posting is cause awhile ago i was sitting on my bed playing card games on my old and decrepit laptop, and Sammy(Flo's brother, for you who do not know which Sammy i am reffering to) was watching me. Then i got the brilliant idea to write a poem; by inspiration Sammy was to be the subject of the poem. Sorry if it seems a tad mean, but he was there the whole time i was writing it, and it was all in good jest...and God Bless sammy, he took it very well, hehe. Well, that's quite enough of my babbling, here's the "poem", hope you enjoy!!Samuel Halifax-
Sam's head is too big for his body.
Oh well, he was born to be deformed.
Made this way cause he annoys everybody.
To normality he has not yet conformed
His smile is too wide for his face,
His eyes too small for his nationality.
He has to hold the attention in every place.
Has no sense of wisdom or rationality.
He speaks till there are no more words to waste
And every peanut-butter spoon on the table he must taste.
He laughs like something's stuck in his pants,
He eats dirt and plays with ants.
He walks with springs on his feet,
flapping his arms all about.
Always waiting and willing for a yummy treat
His arms are skinny, but his belly stout.
He's innocent as a rose
Doesn't have many life issues
Is a big joke from his head to his toes,
and sniffs at the bathroom tissues
Thinks he's smart but he just ain't
His face and arms are covered in paint
So, there is Sammy in a Nutshell
-P.S. this poem was not meant to repel
well...hoped no one thought it too mean...hehe, we all love Sammy!!!!...anyhow, signing off now, night night everyone!