Tuesday, August 26, 2008

No one dare make fun of me!

This is a video I helped one of our neighbors make. He needed to do it for his school and none of the girls in his school wanted to help him. Me, being the loving person that I am, helped him. It was super duper awkward, as you can see... haha it was about 6 months ago or something like that... as I said, NO ONE is allowed to make fun of me!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Nikki: Brad Pitt is a.....?
Flowy: FOX!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Today we went out witnessing in the morning. It sucked...hallelujah... we met this guy that I had (apparently) met before. He like comes up to us and gives me a kiss, and I'm like....wooah..on the cheek, but still. So he offers to take us home so we're like yey. So we get home right, and he comes in the house and I'm witnessing to him and whatever. So after like 30 minutes, he invites me out to eat. Course, I cant go by myself so after we got permission, me, Celeste and Marianne went. As we were in the car, his friend calls him and decides to come along. After much discussion, we finally decided on a place to eat. So we order and all and start eating. We got hamburgers. weehooo
Celeste finshed before all of us so we were all kinda teasing her about being a pig. One of the guys is like: oh here, have some french fries too. We were only joking and teasing her and so we turn away and start talking about something random. When we looked back at celeste, she is munching away on the french fries. It was soo funny and we were laughing sooo hard. I was crying and Marianne was all red. Poor lesty:P. During the course of the meal, they randomly ask how old we are and I'm like"we're 15 and 16" And they like stop eating and look at us. "15?", he asks, mouth wide open. hahaha soooo awkward and funny at the same time. As we're leaving the restuarant, we see there's one french fry left on the tray, and Enrique (the "new guy") is like "Oh look Celeste, a french fry! Eat it!" Then the guy(Mario) is like " hey do you guys want some ice cream?" So you know, OF COURSE, but we're trying to be all like, whatever, sure, you know. But Celeste, in her little cute voice is like "SI!" lol soo funny. So off we go to the ice cream place and we order and whatever, and the girl asks if we want a cone or a cup. And Celeste is like "A cone, so I can eat it." Hahaha So we had our ice cream then came home. It was quite an adventure... I was a bit annoyed:P(love you girls!) cuz I had to translate EVERYTHING. All that the guys said to the girls and all that the girls said to the guys. It's a curse to speak Spanish, I tell you!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Oh my God, I'm so scared right now!

The title has nothing to do with the post, but I am... anyways. I just wanted to put these pics up. They're the cutest in the whole world. One day they will marry if I get my way....yes... Julie is the cutest JETT ever. TE AMO MI AMOR

Monday, August 18, 2008


Some people say that sleeping till 4 pm on your WNR is a total waste. I think that WNR isn´t a WNR if you dont sleep in at last till 2. Half the fun is the night before. Or over half.....or all of it..... anyways. Last night was an adventure all in itself. We were just hanging round, chilling out, when we decided we´d go downstairs for a drink(of water, of course:D). So me and Celeste start going downstairs to the kitchen and we hear all this banging and the door and all. But the light was off, and we figured that, had it been some one from the home, they wouldve turned on the light. A ROBBER! We had just been talking about scary movies, so me and Celeste are all freaked out and run upstairs. We told Marianne and she basically flipped a cow. So we armed ourselves. Yes, with real weapons of mass destruction. Marianne: pocket knife. Florence: Scissors. Celeste:.....tweezers...lol. Off we crept, silently, down the stairs, weapons in hand, ready for any emergency. Celeste(that treacherous chicken liver) ran upstairs, so we were one (wo)man short. I turned on the bathroom light, and moved to the kitchen. We looked at the door, and it looked like it was a crack open,so we got all freaked out and ran back upstairs. We got the brilliant idea to pray and ask the Lord what we should do, if we should wake up Hans or if it was nothing. I was too freaked out to get anything and so was Mariane, so we had to rely on Celeste´s channel. She got that it was nothing so we mustered up the courage to go into the kitchen. Well, the door was locked and bolted; it was just the shadow that made it look open. We still dont know who was making the noise in the kitchen, but i will find out and personally murder them for scaring me so. ....
Anyways. So today we went out and had a great time. It actually took us 5 or 6 restaurants to get dinner, but we finally got a super nice meal at applebees. God bless the Lord for supplying it.
So they come and ask us what we want to drink and we´re like¨ orange juice¨. So he comes and says, ¨the boss said lemonade.¨ and we´re like ....okay...The waiter was overly nice that it kinda got annoying... lol. He was standing by our table and asking me random questions like what I was doing in mexico, how long I had been here, and what religion I was from. I was being very polite but seriously, we´re eating, go away. haha. After, we met up with Hans and Te-te and went out for coffee. It was a fun day! I´ll ´post some pictures..This is my caring face:P
Our Dinner...God bless the provisioners!:D
The ¨click¨ lol

This one is just here to keep me humble...

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Hola...soo...today was a random day....didn´t accomplish too much...but i did accomplish too piss Marianne off....

whoops...she just might be a little bit more pissed when she sees this...i love you Marianne...and you look stunning here by the way ;)

so we went home and suffed our belly´s full with a yummy dinner...well, at least i know i did :D...then we were just chillin around...

After that is when flowy went retarded....

Here´s us both being retardedos!!!...don´get too scared, we don´t look like this on a daily basis..

Wooohooo...Flowy is sooooo flexible!!!

That´s about all the scariness i have for you so far...have a good one...a kiss for all of you!!


Hey everybody!!...well, i think recently Flowy has realized that her blog needs a little spicing up...so she invited me to join her in her blogging here...teehee....(watch me never post anything)...anyhow, great to get to know you all...and maybe you´ll be seeing me soon....tata for now, be good everyone!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dad's birthday.

Happy Birthday dad. Hope you have the best year serving the Lord with all your little olive plants. Stay young dad! haha love you tonaladas.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Fooling around on free day.

Me, Marianne, Celeste and Aaron went out for free day, off to the unknown. We didn't exactly know where we were going or what we were gonna do, but it turned out to be pretty fun. Us girls all decided to wear skirts for fun... we tried to get Aaron to put on a dress, but to no avail. First we went to see some person who promised to buy a CD so we'd have a few pesos to spend:D. Off we went to the mall where we got some coffee and fooled around. I(and the lord, of course:P) got the brilliant idea of going to Liverpool to make fun of their ugly clothes, so that we did. I'll post some pics. After we provisioned pizza. It was a grandishious day!

P.S. WOW for my hair on the ferocious ones!
Celeste being cool with some pergaminos...
Al Capone:P
Aaron gets ALL the chicks!
Oh my!ain't we so cool and sexy
haha gotta looove my hair! i lok like some random movie star or something! oooh yah!
Teehee! we weren't expecting this picture. we were enwildenating our hair:D
Too cool for school..
Haha celeste's hat ROCKS! and Aaron, pssh! good stuff.
Gotta love these hats. So rockin. no no, don't look at my pregnant tummy every one. this is all about the hats!

At the beach....going witnessing...looking nifty!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Cough cough sputter! Marianne came down from Canada to live with me! She's a whole lot of fun, and we've been going out witnessing together pretty much every day. Today, we were witnessing in a mall and had a splendid idea to try on this certain nice dress. And once we got started(at 1:30) we didn't stop till like.....3 something? something like that anyways:D. It was soo much fun! I'll post some pictures.

The dress that started it all!

GO 60s! wooH! Look at my hair! hallelujah! PTL TTL TYJ

The dress is nice, but i look disgustado!
Marianne is such a hottie!
Again, cute dress, gross, gross me

So awesome!

Ugh. Te-te beat me to it. It was my idea though, I swear! Check it out........