Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pictures from Guad.

Yes...go on...call me lazy. Any one who knows me knows that I take a camera with me where ever and never take pictures. heh.. So here are a few that I got off my lazy bum to take. Maybe, just maybe, I'll take more and post them.
Best kids in the entire world
Yes...they so are!

This is the cutest picture ever ever ever!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Of Guad and being a Farmer.

As many of you may know, I'm in Guad right now. It's been super fun, and although not super relaxing and vacationish, I would rather be nowhere else. I've (surprisingly enough) been in the kitchen a whole lot and on kids too, something I've missed so much. Celeste and Julie havent stop picking on me and teasing me from my toes to my "accent". GOSH. Anyhooo...I dont have very mucho to say so I wont say much else. I'll post some pics if i take any. G'BYE!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Random Pictures.

Mindy is a boy!:O
Nelly Olson(lol)
Baking project I did with the kids.

No idea....
Hans at the market.

Just thought I would post some pictures... Enjoy