Friday, January 15, 2010


Well, the Christmas/New Years season has come and gone, thankfully. So far the year has started off slow and hopefully it will pick up soon. My good friend Celeste came to spend over a week with us and we went to the beach with all the boys and stuff. It was nice to have most every one back. We're still missing a few random Snowflakes, but hopefully we'll all be back together by February. Every one here is trying to get me to work out and it sucks. I've been blackmailed. Not very Christian and not of Jesus:P. Maybe I should, but it's so hard to get into the habit. I hate working out. Silly ol' Kimsy has invited me to work out with her a few times, and I usually say yes but she does bad using a know one of those ones that you just sit on and dont go anywhere. yeah LAAAME. I officially know how to saddle the horse. I know, I always mention the wretched horse, but you have no idea! It's so fun. I haven't let it run since our little incident, but yesterday we trotted a bit, so that was good. Hopefully one day we will gallop through the field like we used to. Sigh...... It's really cold now. I had to wear this random sweater out witnessing this morning and it totally cramped my style:P. Thankfully, it still went great and me and Lizzy opened up 3 new meat contacts. PTL. yes...the boys had better be happy with us...Anyways this post is really random and weird, so im gonna end it here with a happy new years and an I love you. Take care, my friends and until la proxima!