Monday, September 24, 2007

100 Times More...

I had this old camara that a friend gave me on New Years. It was super old and Nikki wasall enfatuated with it so when I got a bit of pocket change(hehehe) I decided to get a new camara. Nikki´s birthday was coming up so I decided to give it to her for her birthday. (I know, I´m so generous) So the day same and I gaveit to her and she was so happy and dancing around for the rest of the day. Well, My birthday came along about two weeks after and we have these super good friends and supporters who for Nikki´s brithday they gave her a giant cuddly (who she is forced to name sparrow or Rajiv. I admit I was a bit jealous of her and her bear and the love they had for...err..eachother.) I was out witnessing when they arrived buti knew that they had brought me something cuz she (Norma) told be they would. When I got home there was this HUGE gift bag on the floor about the same size that nikki´s teddy bear came in so I thought they had brought me one. I went to go and say hi, kinda ignoring the lovely package on the floor. Norma told me to open it and there was a Toshiba box in the bag. Dom kinda jokingly said ¨Oh look Flo, they got you a laptop!¨ To which they replied ¨SHUSHdon´t tell her!¨ Of course I didn´t believe him, even though the Toshiba box was right under my nose, I would have never dreamed! So I continued opening it and Alejandro (the said ¨Every teen needs something personaland we thought that a laptop would be some thing personal.¨ I sat there awe struck. ¨You mean its ACTUALLY A LAPTOP?¨ Oh yes it was! I still don´t know how to react! I never would have dared to dream it possible.
Also, going back to the camara I gave Nikki, I was wondering whether to give her the rechargable batteries I hadbeen using with it too, but if i gave them to her, I wouldn´t have any. So I breifly asked the Lord and he said ¨Freely ye hath received, freely give (someone gave them to me).¨ So I did it -I gave them to her. How did the Lord pay me back? Well,I would follow-up alot on this one contact that has been a friend for a long time. When it was nikki´s birthday he gave us 500 pesos so we could go out. He called me for my birthday and after talking for a bit, he asked me to pass him to my mom. She later told me that he said that he wanted to give me some money for mybirthday, and that he would come to drop it off the next day. Little did we expect that he was going to give 1000 PESOS! That´s like 100 dollars! The Lord never asks you to give anything away with out giving you something much better in return! I´ll post pics of my computer laterz.

Happy Belated Birthday Me..

Okay so the other day was my birthday. I didn´t have time to get on to post about that wonderful day 15 years ago, thatthe Lord gave the world the most special gift...ME! Anyways, I went out with my mom and Te-te and we had a great time. We watched ¨Rush Hour 3¨ and ate out at subway. We didn´t take any pics, sorry people, but it was great... big thanks to every one who made it so special. It was my bestest birthday ever ever ever.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Domi is my biggest baddest fattest brother. A fine fellow virgo I must say and a fun guy to hang out with. He's super good at out reach and really on the ball, getting every one out of the house on time etc. He's such a good daddy to little kaylee and she loves him tons, just like every one else! I love you Dom, have a really good day and may you get many good presents:D.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Our Independence Day party.

Ok, so my beautifully lovely sister Te-te made some super nice enchiladas, pico de gallo, and the adults had margaritas! And us, the little children..., had water! God bless Te-te cuz she must have made over 100 enchiladas and was in the kitchen for quite a while. We invited some friends over for dinner and some of us dressed up. One of the people that came was singing a bunch of traditional Mexican songs, Mariachi style, so yes, that was interesting... It was fun. I don't have any pics yet, but, I'll post some soon. Promise :D.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

VIVA MEXICO!..... AND BAKING.....!?!?!

The fruit of our labours!

Sammy's art..It's supposed to be a guys head.

The cookies...chocolate chip!

Me and my pie! Such love!

The funnest part, putting (perfect huh? That was MY pie;)
Filling up the crusts.

Making the crust. Notice our super fancy, state-of-the-art rolling pins.

Aaron mixing the apples for the filling...

Tired but happy!

Enjoying the results!(and being very foolish about it!)

I know. Yesterday was Independence Day but I didn't have time to get on. We also had a baking class with Auntie Te-te:P. Hahaha, don't kill me Te-te. Te-te is such a good cook/baker and such a patient teacher. I'll post some pics of all the fun we had and our good food we made. I just had the apple pie for snack today and it has never tasted sweeter. Sorry the flash is kinda wacky.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Owie...

A little closer up.
The other day during get out i got a pretty ugly rope burn... or i think it is one. Any ways its healing up now, but i wanted to post some pics so you can all feel sorry for me:D.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Silly Ol' Ana!


Oh it was pretty funny. Ana usually goes out jogging for get-out and these 2 dogs day after day chase her nipping at her heels. Well, today we were going out witnessing and those dogs came running after us! I ran and hid while Ana turns around and yells out in English " I rebuke you in Jesus' name. Get away and leave us alone!" The poor innocent dogs got totally freaked out and ran off while their master comes out and looks at this exchange with a puzzled look. Me and Ana were laughing so hard for a looooooong time.

Nikki's birthday!

My pretty little sister.
The birthday girl!

Nikki is finally a JETT! Yey! She's so happy about it. Anaik(her REAL name) is such a good little girl and a real blessing to have around. We went out to Dairy Queen and ate blizzards. Yummy. We were all the young people and our newest addition(Nikki). Kaylee came along too and made quite a show. We covered Nikki's eyes all the way there and she didn't know where we were taking her! Any ways all that to say, we had a great time with you Nikki and we hope you have the best 12th year ever! Love you Nikki, you big ol' JETT you!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My Daddy is leaving...

My dearest father is going as staff to the XD Core. He's leaving around 10:30 tonight. He'll be gone for about 3 weeks. It's really sad to see him go because he's so sweet and such a help around the home. He's missing 3 of his children's birthdays! wahhh. Mine included..:( Love you Daddy. Miss you tons. Will see you soon.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Pics from vacation.

Me, Kay, and Nikki.
At the zoo with the GIANT animals!lol
Eating out: Kalyee enjoying her burger at Carls Jr.

Park with the ducks. Kay's naked!
Kaylee 's newfound friend!
Proud parents/grandparents.
Kaylee's special gokart lol.
Gokart! YEY!
Volley ball court.
One of the swimming pools!
Barbecue- God Bless Dom for making it. It was most my dad and him.

All that to say, we had lots of fun! Enjoy the lovely pics of my BEAUTIFUL family!