Monday, September 24, 2007

100 Times More...

I had this old camara that a friend gave me on New Years. It was super old and Nikki wasall enfatuated with it so when I got a bit of pocket change(hehehe) I decided to get a new camara. Nikki´s birthday was coming up so I decided to give it to her for her birthday. (I know, I´m so generous) So the day same and I gaveit to her and she was so happy and dancing around for the rest of the day. Well, My birthday came along about two weeks after and we have these super good friends and supporters who for Nikki´s brithday they gave her a giant cuddly (who she is forced to name sparrow or Rajiv. I admit I was a bit jealous of her and her bear and the love they had for...err..eachother.) I was out witnessing when they arrived buti knew that they had brought me something cuz she (Norma) told be they would. When I got home there was this HUGE gift bag on the floor about the same size that nikki´s teddy bear came in so I thought they had brought me one. I went to go and say hi, kinda ignoring the lovely package on the floor. Norma told me to open it and there was a Toshiba box in the bag. Dom kinda jokingly said ¨Oh look Flo, they got you a laptop!¨ To which they replied ¨SHUSHdon´t tell her!¨ Of course I didn´t believe him, even though the Toshiba box was right under my nose, I would have never dreamed! So I continued opening it and Alejandro (the said ¨Every teen needs something personaland we thought that a laptop would be some thing personal.¨ I sat there awe struck. ¨You mean its ACTUALLY A LAPTOP?¨ Oh yes it was! I still don´t know how to react! I never would have dared to dream it possible.
Also, going back to the camara I gave Nikki, I was wondering whether to give her the rechargable batteries I hadbeen using with it too, but if i gave them to her, I wouldn´t have any. So I breifly asked the Lord and he said ¨Freely ye hath received, freely give (someone gave them to me).¨ So I did it -I gave them to her. How did the Lord pay me back? Well,I would follow-up alot on this one contact that has been a friend for a long time. When it was nikki´s birthday he gave us 500 pesos so we could go out. He called me for my birthday and after talking for a bit, he asked me to pass him to my mom. She later told me that he said that he wanted to give me some money for mybirthday, and that he would come to drop it off the next day. Little did we expect that he was going to give 1000 PESOS! That´s like 100 dollars! The Lord never asks you to give anything away with out giving you something much better in return! I´ll post pics of my computer laterz.

1 comment:

Laura said...

brat! hahhaa i heard about that, aaron told me, thats so sweet! im so glad the lord made your bday special by giving you something you really wanted (well you didnt even know you wanted it but ya)....check my blog i put a bday post their for you, it isnt really anything but ya, hope it makes you feel special, i love you flo, your the best!