Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Pics from vacation.

Me, Kay, and Nikki.
At the zoo with the GIANT animals!lol
Eating out: Kalyee enjoying her burger at Carls Jr.

Park with the ducks. Kay's naked!
Kaylee 's newfound friend!
Proud parents/grandparents.
Kaylee's special gokart lol.
Gokart! YEY!
Volley ball court.
One of the swimming pools!
Barbecue- God Bless Dom for making it. It was most my dad and him.

All that to say, we had lots of fun! Enjoy the lovely pics of my BEAUTIFUL family!


Laura said...

hey flo, you look especially luvly in these pics, you have suca a sweet family! love you

Marie said...

oh nice pics...wonder where you stole them from...my blog maybe?? cause those are from my camera.ha...so nice!!