Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Our Maid.

Ha, sweet. We got a maid! She rocks. The house looks super clean and we've been wanting to get one ever since we came to Tampico or something. I´ve never seen our shower so clean since I used to clean Micah and Anaik's bathroom(when they lived in the room that we´re in.)Any ways..she does all the JJT so the witnessers can get out of the house and other little things too. I´m only afraid that we might start getting lazy:P
P.S. She actually doesn´t look like that...

Monday, February 18, 2008


Wow! I still remember when the GNs first came out about the offensive...it doesn't seem like too long ago. I remember thinking..oh 18 months, thats a while, but IT'S HERE !!! Can't believe it. Any ways I don't have too mush to say (as usual...) but I just had to post about one of the greatest turning points of all history. Ooh yes, We are in Monterrey after a fellowship celebrating the Family's 40th birthday! Yipee! LOVE YOU ALL AND HAPPY 40th ANNIVERSARY (oooh ya oooh oh ya oh yaa)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Niiiice pictures!

I´m sorry. I love these pics! hahah they´re horrible but so cool! For all you people who don´t get it, the one of Hans, my arms are in the back. And in the one of me, its his arms. No I have become a sexy beast...(Not that ur arms are like a sexy beasts´Hans, just that I´d look like one if they were mine.) Any ways enough of my ramblings, here they are. This is what happens when we have nothing better to do... keep me busy ppl.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines!

Happy Valentines Day every one, love you!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Cheppper

Oh chepper gui lob ju and ar berry hapi dat ju cud bi hir guit os forrr jur birtday (Translation: Oh shepherd we love you and are very happy that you could be here with us for your birthday). Thats so she can understand a little bit of the post..lol. Auntie Clarita bonita is so cool and is one of the best shepherds ever. You rock Tia!