Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pray for Lisa (Thailand).

Hey guys. I´m sure you´ve heard of her. She was ina car accident in Thailand and is parylized from waist down. She needs our prayers. Do you want to be part of a miracle? Do you want to see your prayers change someone’s life for the better? Do you want to practice praying out of bounds prayers? Well, your chance is here! Visit to find out how and why. Thanks a lot, God bless you. (Make sure to pass on this link via email and blogs!)

A precious, pretty princess' birthday!

And Te-te is 20! I love you my princess, you're so precious to my willa heart. I don't want this to be long and mushy, but I just wanted to say that if it wasn't for Te-te, I'd be miserable. Haha. Well, Te-te makes even the hard things seem easier and makes everything more enjoyable. She is the best sister any one could ever wish for. Thanks Te-te for all you do here in the home, for us Jt's and for every one. You are so much fun and there is never a dull moment in your wonderful presence:P. Love you so much mi princessa! Thanks for understanding me and always being there for me! So three cheers for Te-te and... uh.. happy new years...
So sexy.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Just saying "hello" to say "goodbye".

In the new prayer aim, it says that we should all pray and ask the Lord about something he wants us to give up during this month of January. Well, I got that I should give up any and all internet time. So I just wanted to say bye for about a month...You should, if you haven't already, ask Him what's something he would like you to forsake. Alright, well, till later!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Difference...

Here's a funny picture I found. So sad, yet so true...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy New Years every one! I hope you have the bestest year ever serving the Lord and that you get all the desires of your lil' heart.
Here's the Daily Might for January 1st:

It's a New Year and a new day with new ways! Let's ring out the old and ring in the new!

As we make progress, we have to do new things and new ways as each year goes by, as each month goes by. -- If you can't keep thinking up better ways of doing it, then you're dead -- like the churches! They got in such a rut that they never got out of it. -- Like the old eagle that had been chained so long to a stake in the ground that he'd worn a rut in the ground from walking round and round. When his master finally decided to liberate and set him free, he took the metal ring off and tossed the eagle up into the air. But it just flip-flopped right back down to the ground, walked back over to the old rut and started walking around the rut again! -- No chain! No bird band! Just the old habit!
"Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God!" (Ps.55:19). Changes help you trust God! -- Amen? And every change He gives us is a revolution for the better! -- So damn the way we used to do it! -- How do we need to do it now?
Help us, Lord, to "lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, so we can run the race set before us!" (Heb.12:1). -- Help us, Lord, to change the things that need to be changed, and not to change the things that don't need to be changed, and especially, Lord, help us to know the difference! Amen? -- Happy New Year in His Service!