Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Brr-day to Sebby-Sebastian-sebubala-bonk-applecrumble boy-jamaican paddie-V8-slow!

We sing because we love you and we sing to let you know. You are the....king...for the day and whatever you say goes. Hope you're having a great day Seb, I know you are. You're a good guy. Stay that way;). Thanks for always being willing to make popcorn and being faithful with all your ministries. Thanks for always laughing at my jokes. Happy birthday, shorty.
Tons of love and huggies,
Florence dorence dabedie auntie penelope, little fat snob.
-A clue, no.
-La di da di da.
-Never trust tattle tales and brats. They aren't respectable.

Tampico weather...a box of chocolates...cough

Ahh I'm so deep. We've been having vacations since Dec 26th which will continue till the 5th. Well, not totally vacations, we do one job a day, but it's real great. It's been quite hot this December...sucks. No but seriously. I was sweating on the 24th. No, not funny. But it's weird. One day its super hot and the next day it's cold, or vice versa.
Anyhoo...today me and Celeste went out with the good intentions of going to make money for our own selfish wants and desires. We stopped for a little OXXO break, when before long it started pouring rain. There goes our tooling ideas...womp womp. So we decided to go shopping instead, but we first had to complete the, yes, monumental task of crossing the street. It was pouring rain, so the main street was like a river. We were looking around for shallower(ummm yeah shallower is SO a word...) spots to cross the street for about 10 mins or so. Anyways..after crossing the street, we have to wait for a bus. TG we found an awning to stand under while we were waiting. So there we are, minding our own business, cursing busses for not coming, when i notice i got this gross grease stuff on my awesomely lovely sweater(P.S. to God: That had better come off, kay? C'mon guys, its praying like we're in charge:P) So as if that wasn't bad enough, some random car drives by and wets us. Ho ho, you had GOT to be kidding me. ANYWAYS. Yes, there is always a good ending to every story, people. I bought the cutest new wallet ever(Julie, keep your comments to yourself, it rocks.) No, you may not see it, lest you put it down and dampen my enthusiasm...

On a lighter note, we had Mary Rose's Birthday party and it was a great success. People came up with things unimaginable, and i felt ours was way corny in comparison. We had to do something for her that involved one of our talents. It was super funny. There were poems, cough...songs...cough, dancing, more poems, cards, videos, and more poems! My hat goes off to dad and Jordans and then Hans' too. Those were the best of all.

P.S. Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow.
Mary had a little lamb,
Its name was Mary Rose.

Random picture of the post: What picture better portrays the true essence of me and Nikki, eh? NONE

Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

So it's Christmas again..or was... Okay, so I' m a bit late, but a few hours doesn't make much of a difference, right? I'm not a super Christmasy person. I don't know why...The Christmas push was okay. Tiring as always, but we managed. My voice is so gone right now. I know I said I'd put up videos of the shows, and I will....maybe...I just don't have them yet:D. Sweet. You know how many times I said the word "I" in that last sentence? Whoosh. Anyways...this is real boring. I'm just tired.

Other news:
-I am officially Te-te's maid of honour!
-Aaron got to come over for Christmas dinner
-I got alot of Christmas presents(fankies every one who gave me one. And to those who didn't may you be punished:P)
-I'm not sorry for not having posted. I am a lazy man.
-Blogs are annoying. Wah

*This image has been removed because it was disgusting*

Monday, December 15, 2008

Ma Soeur se marie! ...french. yes tete, just for you!

Wooo! woo! wooo! Tete and Hans are FINALLY engaged! NO, she's not PG guys. But its so sweet and cute and precious and lovely and every thing good under the sun.
-I know theyre happy
-Im happy
-Im gonna be Hans' best man or te-te's maid of honour...any one of the 2 will do.
-Its so cool
-its really great...

-I am now related to Hans....and Marianne..
-Tete has an awesome new ring for me to be jealous of.

So far the Pros outweigh the cons so Im happy for them. A round of applause and a big hand for Mr. and Mrs. (to be) Hans McKen!


Click here to see Tete's post

Friday, December 12, 2008

Uncle Hans.

Well, this is just a little something...from me to ...umm...Chris here ...cough! cough! I love you Hans! You're one of my best friends and thanks for always being a girl when I need you to be, for listening to my whinyness and for your hugs:D. I hope you have a super good year and I know you enjoyed the last one...obviously..cuz I was here! I know I wont be there next year to make it awesome, but I pray it will be. neehoo...this post is getting awkward...stay cool hans. And get fat. I didn't get you a present but just pretend the one marianne gives you is from the both of us, okies? Yay!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Belated mom and debs.

Well, yesterday was my mommy and Boris' birthday.

Mom has always been there....literally....like always! ugh hahaha jk. I'm sorry for every thing I've put you through. I'll be better:D. Have a new nice year! Et merci beacoup por umm.... ecole moi le francais! hahaha au revoir, mere!

Aaaand i thought you were turing 21! Oh my debs, I think you're getting too old for me...sigh. Be a good girl, come back to me soon, and um... get l**d or something! haha Miss you tons, beb. Cuidate y stop cheating(tu sabes de que hablo, si?)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

First show and other news.

We did our first C'mas show today. At an old folks home. We also have another this afternoon for the "Voluntad Contra Cancer." It went smoothly and was very nice. Nikki prayed with them all and they were super happy we went. I'll put pictures up as soon as I get them.

We also just got back from the states a few days ago. We were up there for about a week. It was fun. Some people let us stay in their summer house, so it was cool to have the house to ourselves. It was alot of work but it was fun too.
My Granny is also visiting for 2 months. She thinks I'm really cool. hahaha jk. She came with us to the show and really liked it. It's nice to have her here, as we haven't seen her in eons. neehoo. excuse the dreadfully boring post. i really dont feel like posting, but some people were pressuring me. Not to mention any names like *cough nikki cough*. Je t'aime beacoup et tu est mon ami! Au revoir!

And...here's a random picture for y'all