Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tampico weather...a box of chocolates...cough

Ahh I'm so deep. We've been having vacations since Dec 26th which will continue till the 5th. Well, not totally vacations, we do one job a day, but it's real great. It's been quite hot this December...sucks. No but seriously. I was sweating on the 24th. No, not funny. But it's weird. One day its super hot and the next day it's cold, or vice versa.
Anyhoo...today me and Celeste went out with the good intentions of going to make money for our own selfish wants and desires. We stopped for a little OXXO break, when before long it started pouring rain. There goes our tooling ideas...womp womp. So we decided to go shopping instead, but we first had to complete the, yes, monumental task of crossing the street. It was pouring rain, so the main street was like a river. We were looking around for shallower(ummm yeah shallower is SO a word...) spots to cross the street for about 10 mins or so. Anyways..after crossing the street, we have to wait for a bus. TG we found an awning to stand under while we were waiting. So there we are, minding our own business, cursing busses for not coming, when i notice i got this gross grease stuff on my awesomely lovely sweater(P.S. to God: That had better come off, kay? C'mon guys, its praying like we're in charge:P) So as if that wasn't bad enough, some random car drives by and wets us. Ho ho, you had GOT to be kidding me. ANYWAYS. Yes, there is always a good ending to every story, people. I bought the cutest new wallet ever(Julie, keep your comments to yourself, it rocks.) No, you may not see it, lest you put it down and dampen my enthusiasm...

On a lighter note, we had Mary Rose's Birthday party and it was a great success. People came up with things unimaginable, and i felt ours was way corny in comparison. We had to do something for her that involved one of our talents. It was super funny. There were poems, cough...songs...cough, dancing, more poems, cards, videos, and more poems! My hat goes off to dad and Jordans and then Hans' too. Those were the best of all.

P.S. Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow.
Mary had a little lamb,
Its name was Mary Rose.

Random picture of the post: What picture better portrays the true essence of me and Nikki, eh? NONE

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