Sunday, August 23, 2009


Hey I'm going to the FDTP tonight! woop woooooop. I'm not gonna be posting here for about 3 weeks, but after then, be prepared for a mushy post to my now former home in Tampico. See you in a bit

Thursday, August 20, 2009

In Brownsville.

So we came up to brownsville FINALLY for those who knew we were leaving "tomorrow" for over a week:P. It's been going pretty good, considering the selection of CDs that we have. We weren't really expecting to be doing the kind of tooling that we are, but PTL and we're doing our best:D. We're heading back home tomorrow after doing a day and a half of witnessing. We made a bit for the FDTP but still need quite a bit more, so just pray the supporters that we wrote come through. We have our fingers crossed. I packed up my room before coming. It was so hard. Hahaha. I'm suuuuch a pack rat. Course, I couldn't bring myself to forsake all my sentimental stuff, so I'm leaving a box of my stuff there...Oh sorry girls, I must have forgotten to tell you:P. Celeste was being a taskmaster and making me fold everything all perfectly and unfolding the ones she didn't aprove of. She went to go "make lunch" in david's room (Buuuuusted lesty) and I stuck everything in the suitcase fast before she could inspect them. Ho ho ho. She is probably refolding it all now as we speak...I type...wtv. Anyways, this is getting long and boring, so I'll cut it here. Oh no, I won't. I got my diploma for finishing high school today and we opened it. It's so beautiful:D. They included a letter and my dad read it out loud and was crying. Hahah I love you dad. So yeah, I'm ending it noooow. Hehe Love you all. Kissies.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ha. How do you feel about yourself now? Hmmm?

Remember, we don't just need labourers in the Family; we need labour leaders! We need people who can take initiative, go the extra mile, do the extra job‚ and work better and harder and sometimes longer than they're expected to. If you do what the Lord expects you to, there are no limits! If you exercise the spiritual weapons He's given you, there are no impossibilities. If you give your all for Jesus, He'll give His all for you, both now and a hundredfold hereafter, for eternity.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mon Pere.

Happy Birthday Dad. Come out thou bald head. Hahaha. I love you so much. It's so weird that I'm moving away from home and I'm not gonna have you there anymore. I'm really gonna miss you. And your sillyness. How we can tease you and you don't mind. Remember when I'd always call you a cow and you'd be like "Oh, that's okay, cuz cows are cool." Haha gullable. Thanks for being the best dad I could've wished for; for caring for us so much. Night braids. Lol. Anyways, all that to say: Happy birthday. I hope you have a super good year surrounded by ...some...of your little olive plants.
Noah and his olive plants.
Hahahaha. I love this one.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Soo. I've been on the road a lot lately, but, being the smart person that I am, I didn't bring my camera with me. Luckily for this forgetful virgo, other people did, and although I'm not the type to jump in front of a camera, there are a few that I'm gonna post here. Enjoy (said like Nachooo)

* I knoooow that that movie is ages old, but it remains to be one of my favourites:D eeee ding

We stopped at the beach on the way down. It was so pretty; you could see it from the road.

Stopped again..don't remember why...Yay! We like our fruits!
Sky ballet..on tiles....beat that
Not sure what we were doing, but it's pretty cool, eh?

3 of the 7 ...non...stinky missionaries (Oh that may have been a better name for our team!)Ho ho ho.
Tired after a long week of witnessing

All us girls (minus Marianne, who was taking the picture) and Benito, the super cool guy who put up with us the whole time we were there and fed us and everything.