Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Soo. I've been on the road a lot lately, but, being the smart person that I am, I didn't bring my camera with me. Luckily for this forgetful virgo, other people did, and although I'm not the type to jump in front of a camera, there are a few that I'm gonna post here. Enjoy (said like Nachooo)

* I knoooow that that movie is ages old, but it remains to be one of my favourites:D eeee ding

We stopped at the beach on the way down. It was so pretty; you could see it from the road.

Stopped again..don't remember why...Yay! We like our fruits!
Sky ballet..on tiles....beat that
Not sure what we were doing, but it's pretty cool, eh?

3 of the 7 ...non...stinky missionaries (Oh that may have been a better name for our team!)Ho ho ho.
Tired after a long week of witnessing

All us girls (minus Marianne, who was taking the picture) and Benito, the super cool guy who put up with us the whole time we were there and fed us and everything.

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