Thursday, August 20, 2009

In Brownsville.

So we came up to brownsville FINALLY for those who knew we were leaving "tomorrow" for over a week:P. It's been going pretty good, considering the selection of CDs that we have. We weren't really expecting to be doing the kind of tooling that we are, but PTL and we're doing our best:D. We're heading back home tomorrow after doing a day and a half of witnessing. We made a bit for the FDTP but still need quite a bit more, so just pray the supporters that we wrote come through. We have our fingers crossed. I packed up my room before coming. It was so hard. Hahaha. I'm suuuuch a pack rat. Course, I couldn't bring myself to forsake all my sentimental stuff, so I'm leaving a box of my stuff there...Oh sorry girls, I must have forgotten to tell you:P. Celeste was being a taskmaster and making me fold everything all perfectly and unfolding the ones she didn't aprove of. She went to go "make lunch" in david's room (Buuuuusted lesty) and I stuck everything in the suitcase fast before she could inspect them. Ho ho ho. She is probably refolding it all now as we speak...I type...wtv. Anyways, this is getting long and boring, so I'll cut it here. Oh no, I won't. I got my diploma for finishing high school today and we opened it. It's so beautiful:D. They included a letter and my dad read it out loud and was crying. Hahah I love you dad. So yeah, I'm ending it noooow. Hehe Love you all. Kissies.

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