Monday, August 18, 2008


Some people say that sleeping till 4 pm on your WNR is a total waste. I think that WNR isn´t a WNR if you dont sleep in at last till 2. Half the fun is the night before. Or over half.....or all of it..... anyways. Last night was an adventure all in itself. We were just hanging round, chilling out, when we decided we´d go downstairs for a drink(of water, of course:D). So me and Celeste start going downstairs to the kitchen and we hear all this banging and the door and all. But the light was off, and we figured that, had it been some one from the home, they wouldve turned on the light. A ROBBER! We had just been talking about scary movies, so me and Celeste are all freaked out and run upstairs. We told Marianne and she basically flipped a cow. So we armed ourselves. Yes, with real weapons of mass destruction. Marianne: pocket knife. Florence: Scissors. Off we crept, silently, down the stairs, weapons in hand, ready for any emergency. Celeste(that treacherous chicken liver) ran upstairs, so we were one (wo)man short. I turned on the bathroom light, and moved to the kitchen. We looked at the door, and it looked like it was a crack open,so we got all freaked out and ran back upstairs. We got the brilliant idea to pray and ask the Lord what we should do, if we should wake up Hans or if it was nothing. I was too freaked out to get anything and so was Mariane, so we had to rely on Celeste´s channel. She got that it was nothing so we mustered up the courage to go into the kitchen. Well, the door was locked and bolted; it was just the shadow that made it look open. We still dont know who was making the noise in the kitchen, but i will find out and personally murder them for scaring me so. ....
Anyways. So today we went out and had a great time. It actually took us 5 or 6 restaurants to get dinner, but we finally got a super nice meal at applebees. God bless the Lord for supplying it.
So they come and ask us what we want to drink and we´re like¨ orange juice¨. So he comes and says, ¨the boss said lemonade.¨ and we´re like ....okay...The waiter was overly nice that it kinda got annoying... lol. He was standing by our table and asking me random questions like what I was doing in mexico, how long I had been here, and what religion I was from. I was being very polite but seriously, we´re eating, go away. haha. After, we met up with Hans and Te-te and went out for coffee. It was a fun day! I´ll ´post some pictures..This is my caring face:P
Our Dinner...God bless the provisioners!:D
The ¨click¨ lol

This one is just here to keep me humble...

1 comment:

Marie said...

Flowy, don't know how you managed to provision, looks like u just woke up & forgot to brush your hair....but oh well...TYJ
U surely are the humble one.ha