Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Awww! They've finally left. The room looks so clean now:P. Joking Celeste, you know I love you. But seriously, dinner was depressingly quiet. I miss you guys already and don't know how I'm gonna survive the month. Goodness me, what am I gonna do when I move? Alright. Lets start with the head of the family... and make our way down to the feet:P.

Will: Hehe. I'm gonna miss your weird jokes. The rabbit one. Lol. It's gonna be weird not being teased for a WHOLE month! I'm still your Miss Guadalajara.

Cherish: My teacher. Who's gonna bug me into action with my school? I miss doing school with you; you're a great teacher. It was fun being in your classroom, cuz we got to goof off and talk and stuff. You put up with us, and I admire that about you--I don't know how you did it. I know you're correcting this like an essay right now, so I'm gonna stop!

Celeste: So if we were starting at the head and working our way down to the would be...:P Tum baby. I yuv you baby. (you know the voice and all;) ) I'm looking at your huge double bed right now. The room seems so quiet and empty without chya. Aaaand I'm officially kitchen deacon by myself for a whole month. Pray I live through it! I hope you have a great time in Canada...without me. Bady. You broke your promise. Hmph. Get online for a change, cuz if you do, I have a sumfin to tell ya;).

Julie: OH MY GOD!!! No one to make me feel bad about not working out, no one to convict me about me eating habits when I see you walk into the room with an overflowing bowl of carrots, and, God, there is soooo much butter in the home for a change:P. Love you Julie. Stay sweet and loveable, and always be there for me, like you always are. You're a junky climber, and I miss being able to make fun of you for it. We'll go roof hopping some day.....I like that phrase, some day. Snicker.

Seany boy: I missed a million extra hugs today. I actually had like...none...basically.You know what happened today? I was being silly with Marianne today in the OXXO, and I told her that I'd kick my shoe super far if she'd go and get it. So I did and on accident I kicked it too high and knocked over some bottles. haha. You would've had to been there. It was funny.

Anyways, I know this post is pathetic, sounds like you guys are gonna be gone forever and this is some memorial, but I'm gonna miss you guys tons. Say hi to Canada for me and be nice to it. Don't miss me too much; I can't say I wont though.

1 comment:

Celeste said...

hehe, so sweet flo...shows how much time you have on your hands now :P. I miss you tons too. And if I do catch you online...I have something to tell YOU!! hey, what promise did I break...??? xxxoo love you
