Monday, March 17, 2008

Fattas is TWO! Yippee

When we first met Chicken

Aww teedee! I love you soo much! Kaylee is the best niece anyone could ever have! She's the smartest two-year-old I've ever met, and is so loving..some of the time... She understands so much and is even starting to be a snitch. haha. Her favorite things ever are jumping on the "boing boing"(trampoline), painting, and watching videos. Sometimes when I'm putting her to
sleep, I'll be singing and she'll start singing to and make me laugh so hard. We made up this little song together.. it doesn't have a name... but it goes like this:
Lullaby and goodnight,
dream of paradise bright,
there is moonlight in the sun,
And the dolphins have some fun
They splish splash in the water
with their friends and the otters.
They splish splash in the water
with their friends and the otters.
Dunno why I posted that but okay...moving on...All that to say, Kaylee is the best. Love you Fattas!

Happy Pigboy day!(you'd have to have watched Veggie Tales to get that one! Ha, I feel so smart!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA HA! I gave you all the credit and glory on my blog about Happy Pigboy---heeheeheeee