Thursday, December 17, 2009


Aaaand I have my computer back! Johnny walked through the door carrying the precious booty and I had to break out into a jig! Yes, I was pretty happy. I am pretty happy still. To be typing on my luscious keyboard, to have things opening at a normal speed, to be able to see what I'm typing as I'm typing it and not 30 seconds later, yes! This is the life. My screen still has issues, but those have been put in the Lord's hands for now and I'm just happy to have my little girl back. I haven't been this happy since Kit left, yes, that is how pathetic I am. I will take this time to say that I will be going to Tampico the night of the 20th, my bus leaves at 10:30, so pray no one sits in the seat beside mine and that no creepos get on the bus. I will arrive to be greeted by my beloved family around 11:00 Lord willing and there I will spend one blissful week. Ta ta my good friends. I am off to do things I haven't done in a month and a half..that would be to explore the beauties and wonders of my precious, precious Toshiba. Al infinito....y mas alla *soars off*

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