Monday, November 16, 2009

Sad titings...

Sniff. They've gone. All the boys...minus Johnny and I guess you could say Fred, have gone to the States for a whole 45 days. 2 down, 43 more to go. No you creeps, I don't have a little calendar right beside my bed, crossing off the days. The house is so quiet without them, it sucks. My princess went too and I already miss him soo much. I'm trying to distract myself with junk food (oops babe, don't see that), movies, and the thought of going to Canada. I'm also thinking of starting to work we'll see how long that lasts. It's pretty convicting to not be doing any form of get out here cuz every one does it.

On a lighter note, yes, as you read above, I'm going to CANADA!! I havent been there in about 11 years, so this is all so exciting for me. My wonderful mommy got some people to pay for my ticket and we're off December 1st! Weehooo.


lofty said...

hahahahaa thinking of working out hahaah :D

Nikki said...

yeah,okay you so do have a calendar by your bed..shessh. oh and u are a slacker! i thought that by my super grandious would have started to work out!