Friday, June 6, 2008

An empty space in my heart.

Oh guys! Never leave again once you come back! Last night, Dom, Marz, and my favorite niece ever flapped their over due wings and have migrated to Canada. They shall be missed..indeed. I cried. So I'm an emotional person, leave me alone. I like to is so pleasant. Anyways enough about me, this is about them.

Oh Nicky, you have been such a good older brother to me and a role model. I really look up to you and wanna be just like you when I'm older, hairy and all(lol not). Such a good daddy to little Kaylee and such a good everything else. Ahh how devotions is quiet and uncorny without you! You will be missed.(by the way Daniel's computer started acting up just shouldn't have gone!)

Auntie Marie, what can I do with this bottle? Marz, you were always there. Whenever I needed some one to talk to, I could always count on you. You're room was a fun place at night, and even though you didn't let me be the Alpha and the Omega, I will forgive you cuz you gave me all your candles! haha. Gonna miss your cooking, your ever present smile, and most of all your butt. Thanks for being just what I needed out witnessing: pushing me, encouraging me, and sympathizing with me about how it was too hot to witness. We should've bought ice cream...shucks...

Ahh words cannot express my never ending desire to pinch your cheeks, to feed you raisins, and fool around with you on your mommy's bed before your nap! You're so smart and grown up. I'm gonna miss every thing about you. Stay the cute lovable willa girly that I love more than a couch potato loves his couch.


Steve said...

u look so different now dom...:D

Stephanie Scott said...

Flowy--so sad-- that Dom and Marie left... I thought they would stay with you forever. Will pray 4 U and them..

love U!

Marie said...

Tks Flowy, we miss you too, Kaylee's always asking for you....(where's flowy?) ....(lets go home mom)......she misses everyone terribly...she's doesn't have as many ppl entertaining her you can imagine. Anyways..pray for's super hot & sticky these days. Love you...& nice shrine you got going there w/ all the candles..haha...halarious. Take care of your lovely self. Miss you!

Rick said...

aw i miss Dom and Marie ...and Kaylee too, the mean looks shed give me...